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Periodic Table of Select Asset Classes

Through 06/28/2024


Periodic Table Disclosures 

Asset class performance is calculated using the dividend adjusted closing prices for the following exchange traded funds: Large Cap - SPY; Mid Cap - VO; Small Cap - VB; International Developed - VEA; Emerging Market - VWO; Real Estate - VNQ; Precious Metals - DBP; Bonds - AGG; Bitcoin - spot price as of 4:00pm.  

Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. Asset allocation may be used in an effort to manage risk and enhance returns. It does not, however, guarantee a profit or protect against loss. Performance of the asset allocation strategies depends on the underlying investments.

Market data, articles and other content on this Website are based on generally available information and are believed to be reliable. Family Financial does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this Website. The information is of a general nature and should not be construed as investment advice.

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