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Money Matters: A 401(k) 101 Thumbnail

Money Matters: A 401(k) 101

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🎉 Happy National 401(k) Day, everyone! 🎉

I had the pleasure of discussing the path to financial freedom with Ken McCoy on FOX54. We explored the power of 401(k) plans: "Start early, contribute often, and watch your money grow." 💰

Catch the full segment here: https://www.rocketcitynow.com/video/money/video-money-matters-a-401k-101/525-61dc8484-a7a2-4733-a0b9-df5146b191c5

Let's secure our financial futures together! 💪
#401k #401kplan #FinancialFreedom #InvestWisely

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