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Tips to Help You Navigate a Divorce Thumbnail

Tips to Help You Navigate a Divorce

Did you know that March is a popular month for divorce? Unfortunately, the number rises, as nearly half of all marriages don't make it. I was on "Virginia This Morning" on CBS 6 to share tips to help navigate what may be a very difficult time in the lives of many people.

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Integrating Business Planning and Financial Planning Thumbnail

Integrating Business Planning and Financial Planning

Tune in as we discuss several key takeaways: >> Tax-saving tips for business owners >> Three top pieces of advice for business owners looking to hire a financial planner/ advisor >> Every business owner needs a financial advisor. You might not realize this when starting, but the benefits are extraordinarily many.

Health of Your Wealth Thumbnail

Health of Your Wealth

The beginning of the year is a good time for a checkup on the health of your financial plan. Tammy Trenta discusses financial planning and keeping your plan tuned up on KABC7. #financialplanning #financialfreedom #financialeducation

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First Day of Tax Season Thumbnail

First Day of Tax Season

On WSLS 10, I discuss one of the biggest mistakes I see my clients make which is excluding major changes in their tax returns, like buying or selling a house.

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